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Category: Blog

Boom or Bust – How the Construction Industry Can Protect Subcontractors

The construction industry is starting to see signs of a slowdown on the horizon, and that makes subcontractors financially vulnerable. Learn how many are finding relief in customers' early payment programs.

The True Value of Supplier Visibility in B2B Payments

How can business leaders help suppliers survive another wave of disruption when many are already treading water? One way to provide immediate relief is through a working capital initiative.

Digitizing B2B Payments with Electronic Pay Technology

How can business leaders help suppliers survive another wave of disruption when many are already treading water? One way to provide immediate relief is through a working capital initiative.

How to Offset New Supply Chain Disruptions with a Working Capital Initiative

How can business leaders help suppliers survive another wave of disruption when many are already treading water? One way to provide immediate relief is through a working capital initiative.

Six Trends for Financial Leadership in the Supply Chain

Businesses are keeping a close eye on how supply chains are managed in today's volatile environment. As financial leaders narrow their focus on supply chain stability, several trends have emerged.

Tackling Inflation and Rising Supply Chain Costs with Supply Chain Finance

Inflation, supply chain disruption, rising interest rates - today's businesses face countless challenges. That's why it's more important than ever to implement solutions that strengthen financial health to tackle roadblocks.

Becoming A “Yes” Partner to Meet Clients’ Complete Cash Flow Needs

There has been a cultural shift among financial institutions. Banks are focusing more on leveraging partnerships to offer clients new solutions rather than building from the ground up.

Entering a New Era of Innovation for B2B Payments

Compared to the consumer sector, B2B payments have been slow to innovate - until now. PrimeRevenue's SurePay Platform is meeting new demand for modernized B2B payment solutions.

Supplier Milestones Add Fuel to 2022 Momentum

PrimeRevenue is inspired and invigorated to solve companies’ most persistent B2B payment challenges in addition to fueling working capital improvement.

The Future of Accounts Receivable: Empowering Suppliers with Payment Certainty, Unlimited Reporting and Digital Self-Service

The future of accounts receivable is now. Companies need new and innovative technology that supports their ever-changing B2B payment needs.

Unify Fragmented B2B Payments to Smooth Supply Chain Friction

Corporate payments are a persistent challenge that are only exacerbated by current supply chain disruption. Comprehensive B2B payment solutions minimize cash flow friction to achieve smoother, more agile supply chains.
automated dynamic discounting on rise

Automated Dynamic Discounting on the Rise

The future of dynamic discounting – and B2B payments in general – can be summed up in one word: flexibility. The PrimeRevenue SurePay platform supports this goal.