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Tag: Treasury

How to Unlock the Full Power of Supply Chain Finance

How to Unlock the Full Power of Supply Chain Finance

Every supply chain finance program is different. The industry, types of suppliers, funders involved, and the working capital initiatives they’re tied to differ from company to company. Despite their differences, there are some things highly successful supply chain finance programs reliably have in common.

Where does one of the world's leading global brands turn when they need cash? Michelin Case Study

PrimeRevenue’s Supply Chain Finance program has already helped Michelin unlock significant cash flow since the implementation.

EuroFinance 2022: Who's Ready?

EuroFinance has always been a source of inspiration and learning for the PrimeRevenue team, but this year promises to deliver a little something extra. Learn why we’re so excited about this year’s event and how you can connect with us.

How to Be a Treasury Superstar

Treasury and finance teams don’t always get the credit they deserve for business growth. In this infographic, we step through what treasury and finance professionals can do to step out of the wings and become business growth superstars.

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Treasury to Drive Growth

Treasury and finance doesn’t always get the spotlight it deserves for business growth. Boston Scientific is changing that. Learn how their treasury team unlocked more than $230M in working capital.

Cutting Through the Confusion: Is Bank Syndication the Same as Multi-Funder?

Bank syndication or multi-funder? Consider 3 critical aspects for the long-term success of your supply chain finance program
Not Sure if Supply Chain Finance is an Option? It Might be More Viable Than You Think

Not Sure if Supply Chain Finance is an Option? It Might be More Viable Than You Think

Of the misperceptions surrounding supply chain finance, one of the most common is that it’s reserved for large, publicly traded or investment grade companies. That’s not true – or at least not anymore.

5 Working Capital Challenges to Tackle

Learn the 5 biggest challenges to working capital and how to overcome them.
How to Finance Supply Chain Sustainability

How to Finance Supply Chain Sustainability

Sustainability has shifted from a “should have” to a “must have” for modern businesses. Learn how supply chain finance can fuel sustainability initiatives.
Outperforming the Competition with Supply Chain Finance

Outperforming the Competition with Supply Chain Finance

Learn how supply chain finance can help companies edge out the competition by injecting a performance boost into the business.

Reverse Factoring Fundamentals: What it Is, What it’s Not and How it Works

An overview of what reverse factoring is, how it works, and what it is not.
7 Financial Metrics Strengthened by Supply Chain Finance

7 Financial Metrics Strengthened by Supply Chain Finance

Companies often turn to supply chain finance to accelerate cash flow, but the solution also has a positive impact on several other metrics.