
EuroFinance 2022: Who’s Ready?

By PrimeRevenue • Published August 22, 2022 • 3 minute read

Are you attending the EuroFinance International Treasury Management event in Vienna next month? We are!

EuroFinance has always been a source of inspiration and learning for the PrimeRevenue team, but this year promises to deliver a little something extra. This is the first major event PrimeRevenue has attended in Europe since 2019. We couldn’t be more excited to reconnect with our customers and hear firsthand about their experiences, successes and challenges.

We’re also eager to connect with those people we have yet to meet in person. It’s finally time to trade in the zoom calls for handshakes.

Here’s how and where you can find us at EuroFinance September 21-23:

Take a Load Off at Booth L13

The PrimeRevenue booth will be our hub for the duration of EuroFinance and we’ve designed it with fun and comfort in mind. Take a break in our sitting area, check out an interactive demo, or just drop in to say hello.

Let’s Make it Official

If you’d like to learn more about how your peers are using PrimeRevenue’s global B2B payments solutions, including supply chain finance, schedule a meeting with us.

Bourbon Tasting

To amplify the fun factor, PrimeRevenue is hosting a bourbon tasting on September 22. Join our team, your colleagues and other industry influencers for good sipping at conversation at Booth L13 from 15:30 -18:30. Be sure to RSVP!

See you in Vienna!