Tag: Cash Flow

Six Trends for Financial Leadership in the Supply Chain
BlogBusinesses are keeping a close eye on how supply chains are managed in today's volatile environment. As financial leaders narrow their focus on supply chain stability, several trends have emerged.

Supply Chain Finance vs. Factoring
White PapersLearn the biggest differences between supply chain finance and factoring.

Cutting Through the Confusion: Is Bank Syndication the Same as Multi-Funder?
White PapersBank syndication or multi-funder? Consider 3 critical aspects for the long-term success of your supply chain finance program

Solving the Late Supplier Payment Problem
BlogLate payments can devastate a business. It's time to implement cash flow solutions that provide reliable payment throughout the supply chain.

Supply Chain Impact of the Global Chip Shortage
NewsCFO Nathan Feather spoke with Treasury Today about the impact of the global chip shortage and why financial agility is as important as ever.

Business Resiliency and Lessons Learned from the Global Chip Shortage
BlogLarge-scale disruption often has a ripple effect. Supply chain finance provides stability amid disruption and insulation against future challenges.

5 Working Capital Challenges to Tackle
White PapersLearn the 5 biggest challenges to working capital and how to overcome them.

Turning Your Receivables into Cash
White PapersLearn the pros and cons of accounts receivable finance alternatives, including asset-based lending, traditional factoring and selective receivables finance.

Extraordinary Measures the Federal Reserve Can Enact to Help Main Street
BlogThe Fed has extraordinary powers to support the U.S. economy in times of stress. We discuss unconventional measures it can take to provide immediate relief to the businesses that need it most.

Tackling The Construction Industry’s Persistent Cash Flow Challenge
White PapersRead about the biggest challenges the construction industry faces today and how some are using supply chain finance to mitigate them.

A Wrong Way vs. Right Way Guide to Supply Chain Finance
White PapersWhile no two programs are the same, there is certainly a right way and a wrong way to approach supply chain finance. If you’re not seeing supply chain finance program results, you might not be taking the right approach. Learn more here.