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Tag: Cash Flow

Funding Smarter, More Integrated Manufacturing

CFO Nathan Feather discusses how supply chain finance helps industrial manufacturers and suppliers accelerate cash flow.

Reaching the Next Summit

PrimeRevenue climbed many mountains in 2018, and as we enter 2019, I want to reflect on some of last year’s achievements – both PrimeRevenue...

Why 2019 is the Year for Companies to Address Working Capital Challenges to Avoid 2020 Crisis

CEO PJ Bain discusses 2019 working capital trends and the importance of mitigating cash flow challenges before 2020.

4 Ways Supply Chain Finance Helps Procurement Deliver More Value to the Business

Cash flow improvements can be transformative across the entire supply chain.
reverse factoring supply chain

PrimeRevenue Announces Key Milestones - $200 Billion in Trailing Twelve Months Payments Processed

As the world's largest non-bank originator of trade finance assets, we successfully helped suppliers receive $23bn in early payments in Q1.
diary supply chain finance disruption

Disruption in Dairy Forces an Expensive and Strategic Shift

The free fall of dairy milk sales continues, but traditional dairy companies are not moving over yet.
supply chain brain | reverse factoring | prime revenue

Funding the Response to Disruption in the Industry

Transformation isn't over. Food and beverage companies must continue to innovate.
PrimeRevenue Promotes Executives In-House and Bolsters Regional Funding Network

PrimeRevenue Promotes Executives In-House and Bolsters Regional Funding Network

Several leaders promoted spanning legal, technology, customer success, sales and supplier engagement teams.
Westafrmers News Artricle | reverse factoring | Prime Revenue

How Wesfarmers Uses PrimeRevenue to Manage 2,600 Suppliers

Retailer giant, Wesfarmers, pins supply chain finance success on multiple banks, competitive pricing and flexibility.
Manufacturing Expected Growth 2018

Manufacturing Outlook 2018: Positioning Your Company for an Expanding Economy

Capitalizing on future growth requires manufacturers to make savvy investments today.
automotive industry supply chain financing

Why Significant Disruption in Automotive Necessitates New Methods of Financing

Expanding our large and diverse funding pool to suit our clients' needs.