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Tag: Accounts Payable

Unleashing Transparency and Predictability in Supply Chain Payments

Unleashing Transparency and Predictability in Supply Chain Payments

Payment certainty and transparency, precursors to cash flow predictability, are woefully lacking across many supply chains. We recently surveyed suppliers to better understand their most pressing business challenges and the state of supply chain payments within their businesses. Here’s what they had to say.
fasb ap scf disclosures

FASB Update: What Percentage of My Accounts Payables Should Be Represented in Supply Chain Finance Disclosures?

How much of a company’s accounts payable should be involved in a supply chain finance program? In other words, how much is too much? We discuss the answer as well as what fluctuations in accounts payable percentages indicate (if anything).

AP Automation: The Gateway to Successful Working Capital Initiatives

When it comes to AP automation benefits, reducing AP costs is just the start. Coupling AP automation with a B2B payment platform that handles all supplier payments unlocks valuable supplier insights that future-proof cash flow optimization.