
5 Steps to Better Supplier Onboarding and Early Payment Program Success

By PrimeRevenue • Published January 25, 2022 • 3 minute read

Supply chain finance can deliver transformative benefits to an organization’s financial wellness strategy. By unlocking working capital, companies can improve cash flow to increase resiliency, become more competitive, and invest in innovation. These same benefits extend to suppliers participating in their customer’s early payment program.

So, why do some supply chain finance programs outperform others? What makes a program underperform? The answer comes down to supplier onboarding. How well a company onboards its suppliers directly impacts program success.

With more than 45,000 suppliers across the world onboarded onto the PrimeRevenue Platform, we have identified several best practices to help companies avoid onboarding pitfalls and ensure the success of their supply chain finance program. In this white paper, we share our end-to-end, five-step onboarding process that has been proven to increase supplier program adoption rates as well as the value each supplier receives from the program.

5 Steps to Better Supplier Onboarding and Early Payment Program Success