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Tag: Pay Down Debt

Privately-Owned Global Caffeinated Beverage Company Leverages Supply Chain Finance to Invigorate Financial Health

This global caffeinated beverage company turned to supply chain finance to make double-digit cuts to debt and improve credit rating in record time.

5 Working Capital Challenges to Tackle

Learn the 5 biggest challenges to working capital and how to overcome them.
Outperforming the Competition with Supply Chain Finance

Outperforming the Competition with Supply Chain Finance

Learn how supply chain finance can help companies edge out the competition by injecting a performance boost into the business.
7 Financial Metrics Strengthened by Supply Chain Finance

7 Financial Metrics Strengthened by Supply Chain Finance

Companies often turn to supply chain finance to accelerate cash flow, but the solution also has a positive impact on several other metrics.
Acquired by a Private Equity Firm? Here’s How to Delever More Efficiently and Fund Strategic Investments

Acquired by a Private Equity Firm? Here’s How to Delever More Efficiently and Fund Strategic Investments

If your company has been acquired by a private equity firm, the mandate is clear: create a fast path to increased enterprise value and efficiently...

Break Free from the Ticking Time Bomb of Corporate Debt

CFO Nathan Feather covers how supply chain finance helps suppliers and buyers weather economic turbulence and fund innovations debt-free...

Keeping Supply Chain Finance Trade Payables from Being Moved into Debt

David Quillian, PrimeRevenue’s General Counsel, gives expert advice on avoiding supply chain finance accounting challenges.