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Tag: dynamic discounting

Dynamic Discounting Fundamentals

The chasm between supply chain finance and supply chain finance excellence is large. The most effective programs are rooted in collaboration and built on a framework, not a formula.
automated dynamic discounting on rise

Automated Dynamic Discounting on the Rise

The future of dynamic discounting – and B2B payments in general – can be summed up in one word: flexibility. The PrimeRevenue SurePay platform supports this goal.

Reframing How We Look at Supply Chain Finance and Dynamic Discounting

CFO Nathan Feather shares the difference between supply chain finance and dynamic discounting - and how the two solutions can compliment one another.

Supply Chain Finance and Dynamic Discounting: When and how to use the two solutions together

Dynamic discounting or supply chain finance? It’s a common question for companies exploring trade finance options, and for good reason.

Insights for a Successful Supply Chain Finance Program: Separating Fact From Fiction

There are many myths surrounding how supply chain finance works and how to leverage it within the enterprise.
Combining Dynamic Discounting and Supply Chain Finance

Combining Dynamic Discounting and Supply Chain Finance

PrimeRevenue is the only provider that offers supply chain finance and dynamic discounting as complimentary solutions on a single platform.