
The PrimeRevenue Program Difference: Our Approach to Supply Chain Finance Excellence

By PrimeRevenue • Published March 30, 2022 • 3 minute read

The chasm between supply chain finance and supply chain finance excellence is large. The most effective programs are built on a framework, not a formula, to help buyers and suppliers derive the most benefit from supply chain finance. A best-in-class provider doesn’t simply plug and play a customer into their platform – they take a collaborative partnership approach that involves all key stakeholders to ensure buy-in across the organization and a complete understanding of the business needs.

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  1. The 5 step approach to supply chain finance excellence
  2. The importance of data in developing effective programs
  3. Why training and education is critical in achieving buy-in

Download the guide to learn more.

The PrimeRevenue Program Difference: Our Approach to Supply Chain Finance Excellence