Tag: Payment Terms

Supply Chain Finance Made Easy
VideosSupply chain finance can be complex, but it doesn't have to be. We've made supply chain finance easy.

Supply Chain Finance Stays Off the Balance Sheet - But How?
BlogOff-balance sheet supply chain finance – not magic but here’s how to avoid illusions.

Insights for a Successful Supply Chain Finance Program: Separating Fact From Fiction
White PapersThere are many myths surrounding how supply chain finance works and how to leverage it within the enterprise.

Understanding Early Payment Discount Terms
BlogEarly payment discount terms - not 1-size-fits-all. Companies need better options, and we have them.

The Benefits of Extending Terms with Suppliers
NewsIf quickly accessing cash at a low rate is on your laundry list, read Whirlpool's supplier story.

5 Steps to Freeing the Cash that’s Hidden in your Supply Chain
BlogBuried treasure? Yes please! Free up millions in your supply chain in 5 steps.

Supply Chain Finance and Moving Beyond the Payment Terms Debate
BlogLooking back and forging ahead: how far we’ve come and how we’ve stayed the same.