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Tag: Payment Terms

diary supply chain finance disruption

Disruption in Dairy Forces an Expensive and Strategic Shift

The free fall of dairy milk sales continues, but traditional dairy companies are not moving over yet.
reverse factoring supply chain finance

Consumers Increasingly Answering ‘no' to the Dairy Industry’s Question, “Got Milk?”

Consumers are drinking less milk and moving to new dairy foods. Learn how supply chain finance can fund this enormous industry shift.
Westafrmers News Artricle | reverse factoring | Prime Revenue

How Wesfarmers Uses PrimeRevenue to Manage 2,600 Suppliers

Retailer giant, Wesfarmers, pins supply chain finance success on multiple banks, competitive pricing and flexibility.
automotive industry supply chain financing

Why Significant Disruption in Automotive Necessitates New Methods of Financing

Expanding our large and diverse funding pool to suit our clients' needs.
payment processing supply chain finance

A Supplier’s Perspective: Saying Goodbye to the Black Hole of Payment Processing

When suppliers have visibility, they can have better insight into their own working capital.

Technology is Revolutionizing Supply Chain Finance

How do suppliers bridge the financial gap between production and payment? Supply chain finance.

Supply Chain Finance: The Cash Flow Superhero

Massive shifts are occurring across the food and beverage industries. How will they keep up with changing consumer tastes?
How the Dutch Government's New Payment Term Laws Will Hurt - Not Help - Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

How the Dutch Government’s New Payment Term Law Will Hurt – Not Help – Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

New Dutch legislation can actually hurt those they meant to protect - but supply chain finance can cure the pain!
valuing the upside impact of supply chain finance for suppliers

Valuing the Upside Impact of Supply Chain Finance for Suppliers

Supply chain finance: friend or foe to suppliers? With the right program, it can become your best friend.

Procurement's Guide to Successfully Extending Supplier Payment Terms

How do you successfully extend payment terms without compromising your supplier relationships?

AGCO's Working Capital Mandate Brings Success with Supply Chain Finance

Here's why ACGO selected PrimeRevenue as their supply chain finance platform.