Tag: Multi Funder

Chasing Growth in 2017? CFOs Look Beyond their Banks for Fuel
BlogHere's how CFOs can fuel their growth beyond banks to gear up to for growth.

How Supply Chain Financing Can Improve Cash Flow in 2017
NewsBest-in-class supply chain finance programs are multi-funder — not closed and bank-proprietary.

One Bank or Many? Considerations for Sustainable Supply Chain Finance
News One is a lonely number in supply chain finance. Why multi-funding programs are always better.

Deutsche Bank's Woes Highlight the Risks of Single-Funder Supply Chain Finance
BlogAnother single-funder provider gets hit with billions in fines. Still confident with your one-bank program?

One Bank Can't Do It All
NewsOne bank, two bank, three bank, more! Why multi-funder helps ensure overall corporate financial health.

The PrimeRevenue Promise
VideosWhether you’re a buyer or supplier, our commitment remains the same—plan, partner and protect you.

Insights for a Successful Supply Chain Finance Program: Separating Fact From Fiction
White PapersThere are many myths surrounding how supply chain finance works and how to leverage it within the enterprise.