PrimeRevenue’s supply chain finance solutions help organizations in 80+ countries optimize their working capital to efficiently fund strategic initiatives and strengthen relationships throughout the supply chain. PrimeRevenue’s diverse multi-funder platform processes more than $250 billion USD in payment transactions per year. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, with offices in London, Prague, Hong Kong and Melbourne.
Entries by PrimeRevenue
Bank of England Supply Chain Finance: ACT
September 7, 2010 by PrimeRevenueJudging Supply Chain Finance Implementations
August 6, 2010 by PrimeRevenueSupply Chain Finance = Payment Term Extensions?
July 7, 2010 by PrimeRevenueWorking Capital Management: What Gets Paid For Gets Done
June 16, 2010 by PrimeRevenueSupplier Collaboration: Latest Working Capital Survey Shows Room for Improvement
CFO Magazine and REL came out with their annual Working Capital Survey today and as usual there were some interesting observations. It’s no surprise that extending supplier payment terms had the biggest positive working capital impact in 2009.
Let’s Get It Started in Automotive
May 10, 2010 by PrimeRevenueLien On This
April 19, 2010 by PrimeRevenue