Procurement’s Guide to Successfully Extending Supplier Payment Terms
How do you successfully extend payment terms without compromising your supplier relationships?
PrimeRevenue’s supply chain finance solutions help organizations in 80+ countries optimize their working capital to efficiently fund strategic initiatives and strengthen relationships throughout the supply chain. PrimeRevenue’s diverse multi-funder platform processes more than $250 billion USD in payment transactions per year. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, with offices in London, Prague, Hong Kong and Melbourne.
How do you successfully extend payment terms without compromising your supplier relationships?
Congrats to PrimeRevenue’s Tim Anthony – Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s 2017 Pros to Know.
PrimeRevenue and AGCO implement multi-funder supply chain finance program in 60 days.
PrimeRevenue eats, dreams and sleeps supply chain finance. We face supply chain finance challenges head on.
Here’s why ACGO selected PrimeRevenue as their supply chain finance platform.
PrimeRevenue announces 2016 record-breaking results.
Stop the presses! AGCO + PrimeRevenue awarded Best Customer Implementation of Supply Chain Finance Solution.
Atimi Software slashed their invoice payment days from 120 to 6 at a 1-2% rate. Want success like this?
Best-in-class supply chain finance programs are multi-funder — not closed and bank-proprietary.
Supply chain finance can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve made supply chain finance easy.
Five steps to maximize supply chain financing success and a working capital solution.
One is a lonely number in supply chain finance. Why multi-funding programs are always better.
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